Leonard Kruger

Leonard Krüger

Leonard was employed at Allan Gray from July 2007 to August 2020. He joined Allan Gray as an equity analyst, began managing a portion of client equity and balanced portfolios earmarked for associate portfolio managers in July 2014, and was appointed as portfolio manager of the stable portfolios in November 2015. Leonard holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Actuarial Mathematics from the University of Pretoria and is a qualified actuary.

Articles by Leonard Krüger

Insights category - companies

Reflecting on our top equity holdings

By Leonard Krüger on 28 Oct 2019

Reading time: 8 mins

The performance of the Allan Gray Equity, Balanced and Stable funds has been disappointing over the past couple of years. Low single-digit returns from...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Broadened horizons, local learnings

By Nick Ndiritu and Leonard Krüger on 22 Oct 2019

Reading time: 7 mins

Leonard Krüger and Nick Ndiritu look at how we have tailored our investment philosophy and process to invest in Frontier Africa markets. They discuss lessons...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Long-term investing should have nothing to fear from the Viceroys

By Leonard Krüger on 19 Apr 2018

Reading time: 7 mins

Activist short sellers have been a prominent feature in stock markets for many years. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype when their ideas hit the news....

Insights categories - Local investing

Stable Fund update: Justifying a higher net equity weighting in challenging times

By Leonard Krüger on 03 Nov 2017

Reading time: 2 mins

Local inflation and interest rates have peaked in the current cycle and South Africa had its first interest rate cut in five years during the quarter. While...

Insights categories - Local investing

Stable Fund update: Justifying a higher net equity weighting in challenging times

By Leonard Krüger on 03 Nov 2017

Reading time: 2 mins

Local inflation and interest rates have peaked in the current cycle and South Africa had its first interest rate cut in five years during the quarter. While...

Insights categories - ESG

Allan Gray welcomes new Group Five board

By Leonard Krüger on 24 Jul 2017

Reading time: 1 min

Allan Gray welcomes the results of today’s Group Five shareholders’ meeting, where eight individuals were elected to serve on Group Five’s board as...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How much risk can you take?

By Leonard Krüger on 30 Jun 2017

Viewing time: 1 min

Risks are elevated in the current environment. This means you should think about how much risk you are prepared to take on...

Insights categories - Local investing

How our unit trusts are positioned for the current environment

By Leonard Krüger on 29 Jun 2017

Viewing time: 1 min

The net equity exposure of our flagship unit trusts matches our risk appetite in those unit trusts and the asset allocation is managed accordingly...

Insights categories - Local investing

How to resist the lure of the herd

By Leonard Krüger on 15 Jun 2017

Reading time: 6 mins

While humans take comfort in mimicking the behaviour of one another – we would rather be wrong in the company of many...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Nuanced numbers and valuation pitfalls

By Leonard Krüger on 30 Sep 2016

Reading time: 8 mins

We pick shares for client portfolios following a rigorous, bottom-up, fundamental research process. This involves, among many other considerations, the caref...

Insights category - companies

Astral Foods: Unappreciated Quality

By Leonard Krüger on 30 Jun 2014

Reading time: 5 mins

Good quality companies at decent prices are hard to come by these days on the local market. Leonard Krüger explains the investment case for Astral Foods.

Insights category - companies

Diamonds in the rough

By Leonard Krüger, Ian Liddle, Birte Schneider, Victor Seanie and Ruan Stander on 31 Mar 2014

Reading time: 10 mins

Small- and mid-cap companies make up 16% of the FTSE/JSE All Share Index, but 25-30% of our clients' South African equity holdings. Although many of these...

Insights category - companies

Diamonds in the rough

By Leonard Krüger, Ian Liddle, Birte Schneider, Victor Seanie and Ruan Stander on 31 Mar 2014

Reading time: 10 mins

Small- and mid-cap companies make up 16% of the FTSE/JSE All Share Index, but 25-30% of our clients' South African equity holdings. Although many of these...

Insights category - companies

Insurance: better than you think

By Duncan Artus and Leonard Krüger on 31 Mar 2012

Reading time: 7 mins

We have previously set out the reasons Sanlam has an above-benchmark position in our clients’ portfolios (see Quarterly Commentary 1, 2010). On a...


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